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Thank You VPS For A Great Evening

We were fortunate enough to spend a few hours with Verdigris Public Schools recently to help improve the staff’s vision of not only how to work in G Suite but also to begin thinking about how to utilize the service with their students in the future.  Our feedback from the event has been positive and we look forward to working with these educators in the future!

Need training in using “that Google stuff” in a K12 environment? We can customize a training event to get you going in the right direction and offer you options as your staff grows in their abilities.  From utilizing specific apps more efficiently to diving into Google Classroom and catering to different skill sets, we can help.  We can even show you how you can use these services in an Algebra class!

We also have access to several Google Certified Trainers we can team you with.  While this level of training isn’t always necessary, eventually this will be an important connection for your staff as they start working on their own Google Certifications.


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